So once upon a time, I got it in my head that I could make a podcast. And I did! Problem is: I really didn't have the time to edit, promote, and manage said podcast. Most of the people I roped into doing it with me weren't as into it as I was, so there was a little energy & motivation loss there. Don't get me wrong: everyone that participated in said project enjoyed doing it... but there's quite a bit of work that goes into editing, researching, and planning. While I took the project head-on as a labor-of-love, it was difficult to keep the enthusiasm while co-hosts lost interest.

The beginning attempt was with co-workers after we were done with work for the day. It was fun. We'd sit around and BS for a bit & I'd record it. Then we decided we should get an agenda and docket of topics to talk about. That worked for a bit, but it seemed a little forced, and with that, the "Agenda Paradox" died.

So, I set out to find a like-minded person to help out with the podcast. A long-time friend and I were talking one night and had a blast (as we always do) BSing about stuff. I had told him my predicament and when we were finished talking I told him, "This is what the podcast should be like. Just us sitting around talking about some topics." This was the beginning of the Pair-o-Dorx Agenda. (because we're a pair of dorks!!!) I even did a special episode with my wife, Luna on some movie reviews which was pretty fun.

However, trying to maintain a consistent schedule proved difficult for us (more me than him), so the project slowly died off. While I think I could probably do an episode or two every now and then, I don't believe I'll be resurrecting the podcast anytime soon. For sake of completion, I've added it to my projects list. Check out the archived episodes below (Ep 1-9 The Agenda Paradox) (Ep 9-14 The Pair-o-Dorx Agenda).

Note: If there's some renewed interest in this project, I may be willing to do a few more. Feel free to comment.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Pair-O-Dorx Agenda (Episode 14)


We’re BAAAAAACK!!!!! Today on the Agenda, we discuss Portal 1 & Portal 2 after SpiderMitch FINALLY got around to playing both. Then we test out Onlive while giving our thought about the subscription models & price points of the service. Is this the future of gaming? Pull up a chair and give us a listen!

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Pair-O-Dorx Agenda (Episode 13)


Today, I'm joined by Luna for a few movie reviews.  Pull up a chair and listed to a couple of Dorx talkin about the following movies: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, I Am Number Four, & Thor.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Pair-O-Dorx Agenda (Episode 12)


{EXPLICIT Language}  Recorded in Stereo - Nando on one side, SpiderMitch on the other.

On this episode: NandoKun and SpiderMitch talk about the Playstation Network being down, & expectations on the upcoming the Green Lantern movie.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Pair-O-Dorx Agenda (Episode 11)


{EXPLICIT Language & alot of wetalldid impressions}  Recorded in Mono cause we had some audio issues. Note: My Mic was jacked and pops a little bit.

Today NandoKun and SpiderMitch go over movies created from video games & why they usually SUCK!  Also, why there are some that stand out as really good adaptions.

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Geek (Pair-O-Dorx) Agenda (Episode 10)


On this episode, Nando-kun and I try to rename the podcast to the "Geek Agenda"... We eventually decided that name didn't suit and every subsequent podcast we changed the name permanently to "Pair-O-Dorx Agenda"

Anyway, we talk about Mortal Kombat and Duke Nukem FOREVER (& how it's taken forever to come out!)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Agenda Paradox (Episode 9)


On this episode, I'm joined by long-time friend Nando-kun.  After making the decision to leave my co-wokers and continue the podcast, Nando and I started brain-storming about topics.  Somehow we got to talking about Guild Wars 2, and decided it should be our first topic.

I brought the recording home and added some music and changed the podcast's intro.  Give it a listen: it's pretty entertaining!